So here we go.
1. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!! ( yes, it’s true that everyone does it at some point, but believe me it doesn’t feel good to cram on Thursday night for that Friday morning that your paper is due, or homework , project etc.)
2. This is going to sound very extra cheese & and you’re going to read this and look at those two words and give a “ugh, blahhh , whatevs” expression, but BE YOURSELF! Honestly BE YOURSELF! You wouldn’t even imagine how many people would love you for who you truly are, don’t try to be someone you’re not because everyone else is like that. The worst thing that could happen is if you’re not yourself and you make friends that think you’re the person that you’re trying to be you will then wind up regretting it because that’s not really you and when you start showing your true honest beautiful colors, they won’t like you much. SO from the start BE YOURSELF!
3. Have a good relationship with your teachers, believe me it’s going to benefit you so much.
- You will get your pass when you ask to go to the library, bathroom, or cafeteria when you have those days that you didn’t eat anything.
- You will be more likely comfortable to ask questions and understand the subject you’re studying.
- On those days that you miss your homework, the teacher will most likely forgive you and accept your homework the next day!
That brings me to -
4. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! (and no I don’t mean copy the smarty in the class, or do them real quick before class starts, but do your homework , at HOME.. it’s called HOMEwork for a reason. And yes I know, I know that we all have those days that we’re just so busy and can’t get to it, but trust me, you will be so much better off doing it as soon as possible.) You don’t want your grade to suffer because you leave your homework at the last minute, check out number one again!. THE PLUS SIDE – you will be more prepared for class, participate in class discussions and your grade will be phenomenal!
5. ABSOLUTELY NO TEXTING, unless someone just texted you “evacuate your school because it’s going to blow up in 10, 9, 8, 7 ….. & you’re 99% sure that you’re all at risk of dying… leave the txt for later! & most schools have rules that all cell phones have to be put away at all times till the last bell rings, so don’t let a simple text that isn’t so important cost you detention or even getting your precious cell phone confiscated.
6. Do not get distracted! (oh yes I know (his so cute! and he fits your criteria in every way) and for the guys (I know she looks FINE!!) but, those few minutes you spend staring just cost you an important tip on the coming up test. So stop getting distracted, not worth your grade.
7. No cutting classes you wild children! Lol first of, you’re risking suspension, your parents finding out and then winding up being on lockdown! , so leave what you’re going to do for AFTERschool and stay in school grounds, where you’re designated to be at ALL TIMES!
8. Do not socialize too much, the hallways are made to walk in, not stand and talk in... There are no coffee spots in school, unless of course you’re a teacher, but you’re not so … STOP TALKING AND GET TO WALKING!
9. School isn’t a runway, fashion show, or Americas Next Top Model, and the guys are not there to audition for any bachelor show, SCHOOL IS FOR RECEIVING AN EDUCATION that will last a lifetime… not 15 minute fame or a 2 week fling.
10. Oh and Attendance is very important! No tardiness, 2 times late equals 1 absence in most schools. You don’t want to miss the first few minutes of class... That’s when the teacher will take attendance and talk about the AIM of the day, and the “DO NOW”. So get to class before the late bell rings, you really don’t want to find that door closed, or even worse get caught in a hall sweep. !
I hope you found this advice helpful <3
- Have a wonderful school year & don’t forget to SmiLe !!!
-Nora x0x0
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