Young boys love to get toys and games for Christmas gifts. Especially if they are XBox 360 games. Last year my husband and I bought the XBox360 system for my brothers. Last year it was more expensive. $400 to be exact, but this year it's cheaper and there are great deals on Amazon for it. I guess it's always better to buy things online because you get better deals.
However, the way the economy is I am sure we are all looking to get the best possible deals when it comes to Christmas Gift shopping. For those of you that don't know I have two brothers, ages 7 and 10. Buying Christmas gifts for them is very important and stressful because I want them to truly like the gifts i give them. For my older brother i got this system that you see in the left side. It's a plain that can fly, which I am sure he will love.
Since they already got the XBox 360 System last Christmas, I also bought them the Protective Decal Skin for their XBox. I bought this for them because it will protect the XBox against scratches, plus the design is very cool. So this is another gift they will put in use and love at the same time.
On top of those two different gifts i bought them two different XBox 360 games, which they have been talking about for weeks. Since they are crazy in love with these two different games I guess its worth it to buy them. The two different games are Call of Duty:Black Ops and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.
I hope you like these different gift ideas for young boys. I know my brothers will love these different gifts for sure!
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